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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Gossip and Its Repercussions

First of all, let me say, if you think you can control the actions of others through words or actions, then you probably won't like what I have to say today. Iif you believe another person's journey is none of your business, then keep reading.

Gossip is defined as: idle talk or rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of others.  How does gossip and it's repercussions have anything to do with the RACE?  When my focus is on another person, it is lost.  The RACE is about living my life in the moment, aware of my body, my mind and my spirit. No where in this statement does it mention you, or any other person.

Ideally, I would take everything to God.  I've been told, he doesn't mind listening to me.  If I can't take something to God, I probably shouldn't take it to anyone else either. 

"Trust in Him at all times, O people; Pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us." Psalm 62.8 (NASB)

Today's Focus:
1. Have I tried to blame someone else for actions of mine that hurt our relationship?
2. Is it possible that I've depended on this person more than God?
3. How does God want to use this disappointment in my life?
4. What behavior do I need to correct when I place my power in the hands of people instead of God?

Recently I got myself into trouble with Gossip.  I didn't even realize it had happened until today's devotion.

I gossiped about someone's actions.  I do not like this person, and do not hide this fact from you now.  My motives were not good.  I called my actions venting.  I did this "venting" to the ears of person who is close to me.  She also happends to be close to the person I was "venting" about.  Of course trust in my friend was broken.  Who can hold back a juicy bit of gossip? 

For months now, I have whined about not being able to trust this friend. How could she go behind my back like this. Does this situation make you want to laugh loudly at me?  It's okay, I laughed at me too. 

The key question that made me realize my fault was, "Is it possible that I've depended on this person more than God?"  My instinct was to claim I had not done this. But as I realized I had taken something bigger than I could handle to another human rather than God, I had done this very thing.

God has shown me, how destructive Gossip is.  That you trully reap what you sow. (Sorry that sounds really cliche, get used to it).

I think I have an action plan in place to repair the damage I have done to my friend's and my relationship.  It will start with an apology and end with a request that we not discuss this mutal acquaintance in the future.

Positive Affirmation:
You are a healthy adult who makes mature decisions.

Side Note:
When "PEOPLE" let me down, I probably placed my trust in the wrong hands to begin with.  Additionally, I probably attached some expectations to that trust.  Expectations that were no more than premeditated resentments.
God Bless!

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