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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My dreams...God sized and God inspired

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13.12 NIV

I have dreams, but I often push them aside.  I think negative thoughts in their place. A good example of this behavior follows:
     Dream: When I grow up I want to be an artist. 
     Thoughts:  Artists don't make any money.  I'm really not that good.  Other people are better than me. I don't have time. I don't have money for supplies.  I don't have space for this in my home. 

This process of devaluing myself or my dreams is an unhealthy coping mechanism. If I can come up with enough reasons why I can't do something, then when I don't follow through it's easier, right?


Yes, we do have to be realistic and live within the confines of the world. However, does God want me to give up dreams that He planted in my heart?  Does He want me to ignore talents that He gave me?

"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him." Psalm 62.5

The hopes and dreams I had as a little girl are similar to what I long for now.  Some of my childhood dreams have come true.  I am married to a wonderful man and have beautiful children.  I have a home that looks and feels inviting.  I am a successful business woman.  Am I suffering from You-can-have-it-all syndrome?  Perhaps, but I know that nothing I dream is too big for God. 

Does that mean I will get to travel across the U.S.A. in a year long journey with my husband? Maybe not, but why should I trample this dream, just because it is unrealistic now?  Perhaps there is Something bigger than me that placed this dream in my heart.

"So what of winning the lottery, fast cars, mansions and money", you say?  I say, "I think not."  The bible tells us in many ways about hard work and the fruits of our labor.  For me, dreaming about frivolous things doesn't fit in to "God inspired".

Where am I now? Right now my dreams are focused on getting centered and helping others find their center.  There is strength in numbers.  I want to support you on your down day. I want you to support me on mine.  I want to run the RACE!  I want you to run with me.

Remember it doesn't matter if we cross the finish line together.  The prize isn't in the finish line, it's the RACE itself.


UPDATE:  8:29 pm
I prayed last night for God to help me find the energy to get everything done today that needed to be done.  I still have some things to do, but feel like the priorities were taken care of.

My husband and I walk/ran our route with our little buddy, Silas.  Silas, our cairn terrier, is now asleep for the night.  We cooked dinner together, had company and cleaned up the left-overs.

As you can see in my post above, I found the time for my daily devotion.  Now I need to read the Bible for awhile and pray.  Then it's beddie-bye time for me.

I hope/pray/dream your day was productive too.  If you feel it wasn't all it could be, examine what was right, what went wrong, and remember that tomorrow morning, God willing, you get another chance.
God Bless!

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